Email: huhp@hust.edu.cn
一、 个人简历
二、 教学工作
三、 科研工作
四、 学术兼职
湖北省力学学会秘书长、常务理事(2020~),全国材料与器件科学家智库微电子与光电子材料与器件专家委员会常务委员(2021~),中国力学学会第三届电子电磁器件力学工作组组员(2020~),湖北省复合材料学会理事(2018~),SCI期刊Reviews on Advanced Materials Science编委(2020~),Micromachines特刊客座编辑(2021~2022)。
五、 研究兴趣
(1) 声光子晶体及声光耦合
(2) 声子晶体与超材料隔振及声波调控
(3) 智能结构与振动控制
(4) 压电结构与器件
(5) 流固耦合振动
六、 毕业生去向
七、 代表性论著
1.J. Jin, N.D. Hu, H.P. Hu, Investigation of surface effect on band structure of 2D nano-scale phononic crystal based on nonlocal strain gradient theory, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 219 (4) (2022) 107100.
2.J. Jin, X. Wang, L. Zhan, H.P. Hu, Strong quadratic acousto-optic coupling in 1D multilayer phoxonic crystal cavity, Nanotechnology Reviews 10 (1) (2021) 443-452.
3.J. Jin, S. Jiang, H.P. Hu, L. Zhan, X. Wang, V. Laude, Acousto-optic cavity coupling in 2D phoxonic crystal with combined convex and concave holes, Journal of Applied Physics 130 (12) (2021) 123104.
4.Zhang, Y. M., Jin, J. and Hu, H. P., Third-order elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric constants, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 40(12): 1831-1846, 2019.
5.Jiang, S., Hu, H. P., and Laude, V. Low-frequency band gap in cross-like holey phononic crystal strip. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(4):045601, 2018.
6.Jiang, S., Hu, H. P., and Laude, V. Ultra-wide band gap in two-dimensional phononic crystal with combined convex and concave holes. physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 1700317, 2017.
7.Jiang, S., Chen, H., Dai, L., Hu, H., and Laude, V. Multiple low-frequency broad band gaps generated by a phononic crystal of periodic circular cavity sandwich plates. Composite Structures, 176, 294-303, 2017.
8.Lian Z. Y., Hu H. P., Dai L. X., Luo B., Liang Y. X., and Chen X. D. Coupling between two kinds of band gaps of a shunted tube piezoelectric phononic crystal. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28(16), 2153-2166, 2017.
9.Hu H. P., Dai L. X., Chen H., Jiang S., Wang H. R., and Laude V. Two methods to broaden the bandwidth of a nonlinear piezoelectric bimorph power harvester. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 139(3), 031008, 2017.
10. Dai, L. X., Jiang, S., Lian, Z. Y., and Hu, H. P., and Chen, X. D. Locally resonant band gaps achieved by equal frequency shunting circuits of piezoelectric rings in a periodic circular plate. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 337, 150-160, 2015.
11. Wang Y. J., Lian Z. Y., Wang J., and Hu H. P. Analysis of a piezoelectric power harvester with adjustable frequency by precise electric field method. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 60(10), 2154-2161, 2013.
12. Zhang R. Y., Hu H. P. A few transient effects in AT-cut quartz thickness-shear resonators. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 58(12), 2758-2762, 2011.
八、 招生与招聘